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OneRecruit v2.0.23 - Apply by E-mail


**Applicants can apply by E-mail
**Each job position now have a unique e-mail that you can show on your website, in a pdf or in a job ad in the newspaper. If an applicant applies by e-mail the applicant will automatically be added to your job position with any file attachments included. E-mail can be found in Job position settings.

  • Add Candidates manually from the Actions menu

  • Company can now manually add/delete documents for an applicant, set a document as main resume to be able to view resumé in browser

  • Documents are now searchable instantly after upload

  • Minimize/Maximise and Close Applicant window

  • Add Candidates manually from the Actions menu

  • Company can now manually add/delete documents for an applicant, set a document as main resume to be able to view resumé in browser

  • Documents are now searchable instantly after upload

  • Minimize/Maximise and Close Applicant window

Apply job position by email

Apply job position by email (Job settings)

Add Applicant Manually

Add Candidate Manually Dialog